One Ball is a community program designed for children and young adults aged between (5-17 years of age). the program provides opportunities to all people especially those from CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) backgrounds across Melbourne to play soccer in a social setting.
Our vision is:
- To provide opportunities to girls and boys especially those from cald (culturally and linguistically diverse) backgrounds across melbourne:
- To be fit and active, and to enhance both their physical and psychological health and wellbeing
- To develop positive cross-cultural relationships with others, and to feel more connected and empowered to make a positive contribution to our community.
- To improve health, well-being and social cohesion through soccer clinics in partnership with young people and their families in our local communities.
One ball believes that when a community works together on a shared purpose, greater outcomes can be achieved.
Visit the website for more information!
Email: [email protected]
U 117 40-44 PAKINGTON ST
Phone: 0411122814