Voices of Casey is a non-auditioned mixed choir and
welcomes all enthusiastic as well as seasoned singers.
Members will enjoy a mix of classical, middle-of-the-road,
old classics and pop music.
Concerts held over the year are arranged according
to a theme and music is tailored to the event,
thanks to the talents of Music Director Kerry Gerraty.
Manager of Voices of Casey, Paulien George,
said joining the choir was a good opportunity to have fun
and make new friends who all enjoy singing.
For further information contact Paulien on 0412 741 195 or
,e-mail, or join the rehearsal on Mondays, at 7.00pm at Fiddlers Green Retirement Village, 57 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick.
Email: [email protected]
Voices of Casey Inc. for Song, Fun and Friendship
Phone: 0412741195